Get To Know Us!

Who are we?

The We Must Be Heard Project is a not for profit organization that is run by teens for the teens of the world. We are are a diverse group of teens who span the entire state of Pennsylvania (for now).

What do we do?

The We Must Be Heard Project has three basic ideas that we advance through our programs; Education, Empowerment and Explore. We want to empower the youth of our generation by providing resources on how social media can be used positively to achieve personal goals, such as higher education or a sought after internship. Furthermore, we want to empower the members of our society who do not currently have access to the internet and social media. It is a fact that the internet is the largest, and most accessible, body of knowledge to have existed and it is our belief that access to this invaluable resource is critical to advancing in the modern world. Finally, we want to encourage teens to explore through social media campaigns. These campaigns would get teens to think critically about issues in their communities and wider world problems. Not only would we emphasize knowledge of world events, but we would advocate for teens to get involved in their communities through volunteerism and activism. We want to harbor a better world for our generation, both online and offline. One in which our voices are heard.


Now! The We Must Be Heard Project began in 2014 and has been running since; working to bring change to the world through the voices of teens. And once our turns is done, we will pass on the torch to the next generation to continue the campaign.

Where can I find the We Must Be Heard Project?

You can find the We Must Be Heard Project on all of our social media sites, which include Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube. We are working diligently on creating a website, which will be the hub of our operation. Check back soon for the address!

How do I get involved?

The great thing about the We Must Be Heard Project is the fact that getting involved is as simple as a tweet. You can spread awareness for the project through your social media accounts or do so in person. We will soon hold offline events as well, so stay tuned for those. Currently, we are based primarily online, so if you would like to volunteer just give us a shout out on social media or drop us a quick arrangement and we’ll get you involved.

Why should I care?

You should care about the We Must Be Heard Project because we are here to ensure that every teen in our generation has a voice, and that voice is heard by the people of the world. Our turn to take charge is quickly approaching and it is our goal to get teens involved in their communities during these years of learning and growth so we can excel as a generation when our turn comes. We believe that you are never too young to make an impact in the world, and it is through the We Must Be Heard Project that our voice will be heard and our impact will be felt.


-Michael, Theo, Saffron, Tony

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